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Hiring Veterans: Policy and Resources

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Date: Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Start Time: 1:30 PM EST
End Time: 2:30 PM EST

Location: Web Conference

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Region: National
Network: NASBC Gov't Contracting Supplier Council, National Veterans Business Council
Group: Human Resources
Category: Human Resources (HR), Legal, Government Contracting
Tags: veterans, job board, federal contracting, disabled persons, policy

Our Federal Government has a high emphasis on supporting our veterans and that includes legislation that could impact your business as a federal contractor.  Whether you are looking to higher good personnel or learn about the pending legislation, this meeting is for you.  disABLEDperson Inc., is a 501(c)3 public charity whose mission is to reduce the high unemployment rate of individuals and veterans with disabilities. Our presenter Mike Corso, Co-Founder of disABLEDperson Inc., will walk you through the legislation pending and resources available to support your business.

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